To Be in Lights (ZooLights Calgary)

My kitties were snoozing on their heating pads I’m sure when a friend and I ventured out to the “adults’ night” ZooLights in Calgary. It was a reasonably warm night and was very well planned to keep people from getting too close. The face masks helped keep us warm too!

What did we see? Lions and Tigers and Bobcats and more (lots of felines lit the stage). If you do live in Calgary support the zoo and get to the well distanced outdoors wander. Here’s just a couple of photos from the evening.

(ps – when I asked Princess and Debon if THEY wanted to be in lights like this they sniffed, rolled over and luxuriated in the heat. I think it was a no.)

Calgary ZooLights Bobcat
Calgary ZooLights Lion

What About ME!

I was setting to take a photo of Pretty Princess… she was getting into the PURRfect pose… and someone showed up to take over.

Debon hogs the frame when Princess was to be the focus

Debon had to make sure that I noticed him. All that forgives him is the rumbling purring. But as cuddly and friendly as he makes it appear. Princess knows better – she knows he is way too pushy and it makes her just a bit furious.

Princess doesn’t buy his sweet act!

I think that Princess is less than amused with his sweet innocent acting ability.

Don’t worry though, shortly after they were cuddled up on the heating pad together (well, Princess was tolerating his presence anyway).

Messy Eater

Princess has always been concerned about appearances. She knows she is model perfect. And I would agree she has great skill showing off her best attributes. Take in point the fact that her delicate eating habits have, shall we say, “slipped” over the years.

These days she tends to dribble a “bit” of food when she chews. BUT, in typical Princess fashion, she has learned to do so in a way that is not obvious. She likes to be hand fed beside my computer. She would prefer to eat this way and will do tricks to eat this way rather than eating from her bowl. I now have figured the reason.

This way there is very little evidence around her of her messy table etiquette. Only one crumb is beside her.

Delicately consuming a snack Pretty Princess keeps her image PURRfect.

Now should I show the mess on the floor by my feet? Or should I use discretion and keep up appearances?

No one needs that image in their day…